5 Qualities of a Highly-Competitive Defense Lawyer

Liberty Law
3 min readDec 19, 2019

The best DUI lawyer in Edmonton out there isn’t the best for no reason. The most competitive legal minds also have a few shared traits that keep them at the top of their game. This means finishing ahead of their competitors.

If you ever find yourself running in trouble with the law and in need of a defense lawyer, keep your eyes peeled for certain qualities your candidate should possess. Liberty Law believes that choosing the right lawyer makes all the difference, especially if you aim to get the most ideal outcome.

What makes an excellent defense lawyer?

1. Persistence

Taking the current legal system into account, DUI defense attorney can be presented with a list of roadblocks. They have to face everyone involved in the legal proceedings, which include the police, prosecutors, and judges that may make the evidence difficult to obtain.

Remember, a persistent defense attorney will do everything they can to get all the necessary evidence that will further benefit your case.

2. Strong Work Ethics

Just like other professions, it takes a significant amount of work to successfully practice law. When you hire a well-versed drunk driving attorney, you can expect to work with an individual who has a firm grasp on complex legal codes.

This means that he would also use their knowledge of those codes to act in the best interest of their clients, no matter how unique each case might seem. In most cases, their freedom would hang in the balance. The amount of effort and energy a defense attorney is willing to give will ultimately determine if the client will be found guilty or innocent.

3. Self-Discipline

As mentioned in the previous point, a lot of work goes into the practice of law. This also includes great self-discipline. Defense lawyers are required to spend many hours on their own, researching and collecting evidence for the case.

A committed and well-disciplined lawyer is more than happy to put all else aside and ensure that your case gets the attention it needs.

4. Hyper-Critical

The best DUI defense attorney will not take anything at face value. He will make sure to examine every angle and make sure to not overlook a single detail in order to get the best possible outcome for his client. His attention to detail will also spot possible pitfalls before they become an issue.

5. Creativity

The most successful DUI defenses are often due to a creative defense attorney. Creativity is basically the first thing that comes to mind when you consider hiring a lawyer because it’s an essential skill.

It’s common for lawyers to get stuck in unlikely situations, which is why they have to come up with creative solutions to complex legal conundrums. A skilled attorney will always find a way to handle even the most complicated cases.

Be sure to hire the right DUI Lawyer in Edmonton is you want the most ideal outcome. Avoid negative impacts on your cases by seeing the red flags on certain candidates as well. If you’re someone who found himself in trouble with the law, make it a point to do a bit of background research on your local defense attorneys to learn if they could benefit your case.

